Sunday, August 30, 2009

"When I know that I know what You have down the road - when I'm sure that I've figured You out - help me see that I'm small...that I can't know it all. You're so unpredictable!"
~Francesca Battistelli

In this first week of student teaching, it's interesting that what has been on my heart the most has nothing to do with lesson plans or theories or concerns about how to implement "best practice". Instead, it's been a question about my faith: How much do I reflect the love of God? This placement in a public school has forced me to think how I come across to non-believers who interact with me on a daily basis. I've already seen how easy it is to fall into negativity and a life filled with glass-half-empty thoughts and comments. I get the mental image of a that blade of grass being blown and tossed by the wind....I don't want to be that!! I grew up as a Christian - I should be as solid a rock.

But here I go again, relying on myself to spread the light. Isn't it a relief that we just have to lay ourselves down in front of the Father and tell Him we are willing to be used in whatever capacity He wants? I started reading Twinkle (yes, I actually did buy it simply for the title, but it's turning out to be quite good), and it led me to Philippians 2:14-16. We are told to do everything without that we might "shine like stars in the universe as you hold out the word of life". What an absolutely beautiful combination of words and images! Positivity and hopefullness (about students, work loads, other teachers, administration, and yes, even the PTA) can be the revealing light in a world darkened by grunt-filled obligations. It almost seems too simple, doesn't it? That simply being positive and joyful could radiate a life-giving light. I guess that's where giving ourselves over to the work of the Holy Spirit comes in - it has to be a divine light to be life-giving, and we can only give that off if we are overflowing with the Spirit's power.

So my prayer this week is that, by the Spirit's power, I may spread the light through positivity - to my 9 year-old students, my cooperating teacher, and anyone else the Lord brings my way! My oh my....what a challenge, but what a blessing to work in a public elementary school.