Thursday, May 7, 2009

End of Junior Year

Hello, my name is Christine Elizabeth Will! And I am currently writing this blog post with the help of my dear friend and roommate, Emily Jeanette Goldberg.

Tonight our suite and several other loving friends took our engaged roommate, Laura, out for a small bridal shower to our new favorite chocolate hang out, Le Chocolat, in Naperville- our Ethel's Chocolate Bar replacement! We embarrassed her with special gifts and captured the evening with many photos and Emily even graced us with some of her fantabulous singing (she, the typist, is wondering if she should take that embarrassing piece of information out but Christine is the blogger so it can stay...) (She says that means I'm a true friend that I would leave something embarrassing about myself in her blog just because she wants it there.)

We are on the verge of a dramatic change in our lives. What is one to do on such an evening? How do roommates who have lived together for two years take advantage of the last moments of rooming together? (The typist is considering crying now). (The typist and the blogger are now hugging). I guess for one thing, we can finally take our suite pictures... we were supposed to take a series of pictures every year on the eve of Heather's birthday, but this year they've been postponed until tonight. The pictures are a representation of our personality and suite dynamics, and they have been framed all over our apartment. It's quite fitting that Andrew's here, since he's been here since the beginning and he's now here for the last moments. Too bad it's not raining, or we could go have another puddle-jumping, lightning-striking evening together (We had one last week).

(The typist would like to add that she absolutely adores the blogger and the other two beautiful roommates, and that living with them has been one of the best gifts God has ever given her.)

Oh! Let's talk about the first time we met you (me)!

OK. I tutored with you, but I don't think I really got to know you until- did I bust in on you and Heather having  a Saga date? No, WE were having one and you busted in on us! (Heather invited me).

Some prominent flashbacks are sitting on Heather's bed, Fischer 4West, watching Anne of Green Gables, and like, cuddling automatically. There was no awkward time of you know, trying to fit into each other's physical space. And then, basically, very shortly after that we all knew that we wanted you to live with us. (Typist's note: After that same Anne of GG night, I left, called Mary, and said, "I want to live with these girls!!"). And shortly after THAT came the cup with your name and its meaning written on it (they all had those already) and an extra toothbrush for you in our bathroom. For some reason the first time you slept over I felt like we were having a true college experience. I thought, 'This is what college is all about'. (Yay).

And then came the bathroom conversations (we always have really long, deep conversations in the bathroom, for some reason. Seriously.) We didn't know we were getting our own personal counselor and therapist (Typist: Groan. :-)). No, it's a great thing! It's a gift.

Heather says: I didn't expect to look at the mirror in the morning and see her smile at herself (Typist: GROAN. This is one of the quirks that came up when we made lists of each other's quirks at dinner this week...)... and then I would smile back at you in the mirror and we would smile at each other and then hug, every morning. (Aw).

Christine again... Oh, of course, even though we lived in the same suite we still had to have SLEEPOVERS! Losing hours of sleep was totally worth sleeping right next to each other in the same bed. (The typist agrees. Yay for sleepovers in a twin upper bunk. A REALLY HIGH upper bunk.)

Heather adds that she hadn't known what spooning was previously... hahaha...

(The typist can't add anything of her own because she's too emotional and grateful-emo feeling right now.)

OK actually I'm going to try...

Em: I can't, it's gonna be too sappy! I want to be all "OMG THESE ARE THE MOST BEAUTIFUL AMAZING GIRLS" but that's not very specific and imaginable the way their memories are. Hmm... I remember ADVENT times- for our first Advent season all living together, we decided to pray together on Sunday evenings. We ended up loving it so much that we just have tried to keep Sunday nights (with varying levels of success) free to be just the 4 of us and to pray and share about our lives and what's going on in our hearts. Even though it's not actually DURING the Christmas season, because that's when it started we still refer to it as "having Advent". I love those times so much.

I love when we all go for walks together, either as a whole group or in pairs or 3s. I feel like we're just the most OURSELVES during those times... we're either just chatty and debrief about our weeks, or INSANELY goofy and hyper (we really have scared half of the Wheaton population on our hyper laughing hysterically walks) or it's an easy time for us to go really deep and process something with each other. I love that we know which houses in the neighborhoods are cute because we've wandered these streets so many times.

Christine again... OK. I think that's pretty good.

WE LOVE THE HESED SUITE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Anonymous said...

You girls are great.

T6RA (for 5 more days)

Anonymous said...

i laughed a lot reading this post. you all are awesome. thanks for letting me come over all the time!

matt h.

Heather Johnson said...

Awwww I was here when this post was being born... yeah. Love love love

Anonymous said...

I never write on anyone's blog but find myself here just wanting to tell you that you should keep writing, that you and Heather and Laura couldn't have been more perfect roommates(from my perspective) and that I look forward to many more times where as Emily's mom,I get a chance to be around the warmth and energy the four of you together create.
emily's mom

Anonymous said...

You are all going to make me cry! I just read this blog ... and it was a really good time for me to do so!
I have to say that although I completely understand your not being able to be there for graduation... it didn't feel the same! I felt like this huge part of me was missing! You should have seen the way I latched on to Christine when she came to hug me after Grad - I wasn't going to let her go!!!

I love you all so very much.... and that includes all of you who have posted!!!

More times to come!!!

(I have this picture frame that is fairly fitting: don't cry because it's over... smile because it happened!)... even though I know that it is not over... we will live as the hesed suite until we are at least 100 years old. Where do you girlies want to retire? :0)

Emily said...

lauraaaa! your comment made me cry, and i'd been doing so good today!!!!! :-P

I wish so much I could have been at grad, and I am SO proud of you.

And excited to be the hesed suite thru retirement ;-)

I love you girls SOOO much.

Anonymous said...

i think you need to update... ;0)